My Top 10 Must-Have Tools for Running this Photography Business

Tools I use on a daily basis:

  • Mailtrack - Opening Insights for Emails

    Mailtrack provides valuable visibility into whether my important emails get opened by recipients. As a freelancer constantly emailing leads, clients, and editors, seeing if my messages are ignored helps me improve their effectiveness. Mailtrack's free plan meets my current needs, but I may upgrade for more features as my business grows. This email tracking tool is invaluable for job applications, cold outreach, and campaigns.

  • Poe - My AI Writing Assistant

    I lean on Poe daily for help crafting and optimizing all my content. This free AI tool assists me with grammar, word choice, sentence structure, outlines, and more. I used a promotional code to access Poe's capabilities beyond the base free quota. For any remote worker or freelance writer, Poe is an amazing aid for clearer communication and mistake-free writing. I can't imagine working without it! No - I wouldn’t solely rely on ChatGPT even if I can access to it.

  • Narrative -

Tools that I’ve checked and saved for later:


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